Friday, January 16, 2015

2015 Resolutions

I am the actual worst at updating this blog that perhaps my actual resolution should be to actually remember that I have a blog and to post on it occasionally. Yeah. But, no. That's not what it is. But I am getting ahead of myself. Welcome back to the WriYe Blogging Circle posts. This is January 2015's post.

What is your one main goal for this year? Call it your writing resolution. Not two. Not five. Your main and only one. And why is it your goal?

Well. This took me a long time to thing of because there's a lot that I need to work on. From not overdoing description to the opposite -- making sure I describe things enough, instead of summarizing them. To showing more or cutting dialogue tags or working on the overuse of characters' names... There's a lot of things I need to work on fixing. 

And then there's the little things regarding my craft like writing with any semblance of regularity, or focusing on one / two things at a time so maybe (eventually) something will get finished, to keeping all of my work in one spot and then backing it up elsewhere... But no. That's not what my writing resolution is for 2015.

My 2015 Resolution is Finish Sky of Light once and for all. Editing, publishing / self-publishing, whatever. 

I am ready to wipe my hands clean of that novel for once and for all. I've been working on it in one form or another since 2007 and I am definitely ready to be done with it. There's still the prequel and the sequel to write / finish, but at least it's not this chunk of the story.

So that's my main goal. Blow through the rest of this edit and be done with it for good.


  1. Yay! Finishing will eventually feel great! Well, I hope it will. I wouldn't know. I suck at finishing things! And I'm with you on the blog updating thing! I suck at it too!

  2. Good luck with finishing Sky of Light!
